With over 20 years of educational experience, I have an extensive background in teaching, instructional leadership, and curriculum design.
- After spending 6 years working in the public school sector, I took on a role as a lead teacher and technology integration coach at the University of Chicago Charter School, where I oversaw the implementation of the first one-to-one laptop program on the Southside of Chicago.
- I have also served as a Curriculum Developer for DePaul University designing and implementing curriculum for elementary schools as well as leading professional development initiatives. This project involved teaching and designing hybrid and face-to-face courses for participating teachers as well as students.
- I served as a TeachPlus Nevada Policy Fellow for 2 years where I worked to advance student equity and opportunity through the creation of policies that directly impact student achievement.

Educational Policy Publications(Click to View)
The Screen and the Schoolhouse: Five Recommendations From Teachers for 2021, Medium
Additional Publications
Making Space: Teaching After Trauma, Edutopia
History Lessons for Hard Times: Why We Can’t Just Teach SEL, ASCD
Less Jargon, More Grace: Using Language That Parents Understand, Edutopia
17 Approaches for Encouraging Students to Revise Writing (Edweek; Larry Ferlazzo guest blog).
Nevada Schools Must Address Suicide, Medium
Online Learning and Teacher Practice, International Journal of Arts and Sciences
Presentations & Professional Learning Engagement
Equity Matters: Leveraging Critical Professional Development and Mentorship to Retain and Sustain Teachers of Color. Presented at Beyond Envisioning Equity, Kentucky State College, 2021
Teach to Lead Nevada Edition, Critical Friend and Facilitator, Addressing School-Based Problems of Practice, 2021
Nevada Policy Summit, Facilitator, Finding Your Legislative Representative, 2021
Digital Media and Learning: Diving Deep into the Digital Youth Network Learning Model. Digital Media and Learning Conference, 2013
Tapping into the Multiplicity of Composition. Presented at Digital Media & Learning Conference, 2012